The love of football is 60 years old! 04/11/2015
The love of football is 60 years old!
Cyprus Turkish Football Association (KTFF), the first and the oldest sports federation of Turkish Cypriots that was founded on October 29, 1955, has celebrated its 60th anniversary with the ‘’love of football’’.

The Federation that has laid the ground in bare soil 60 years ago, is continuing to spread and grow today on green fields with the sweat of the players, the whistle of the referees, the bravery of the technical men, the excitement of the fans and the ‘’love of football’’ of the entire community.

60 years of "love of football" will continue to live with its new and modern rules, regulations, statutes and restructured committees.

We would like to to take this opportunity to dedicate our new gold logo, which will be the unique symbol of many more victories to come, to our entire football community.

On our 60th Anniversary, we would like to wish plenty of years ahead full of victories to all our member clubs, their esteemed managers and directors, supporters, football players, trainers, referees, field reps and all football fans.

Cyprus Turkish Football Association
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CTFA Boards
Board of Executives
Board of Central Referee
Board of Arbitration
Board of Discipline
Board of BTM League
Board of Ethic
Board of Discrepancy Solution
Board of Education - Top